Counting to Ten

Posted by in Customer Service

Customer Service has many different aspects to it, but one of the most important is dealing with irate customers. One thing to keep in mind is not to lose your own temper when dealing with such customers. This can be easier said than done. If you do lose your temper, it can cost you your job and the company you work for profit. 


Dealing With the Angry Customer

There are many reasons why a customer can be upset and irrational. Perhaps the order they were counting on was not delivered on time. Or it was delivered but was damaged and therefore unusable. Maybe it wasn’t what they thought it was going to be when it arrived, the picture looked different than the actual merchandise. Whatever the reason, your customer is now standing in front of you yelling. You may be fine dealing with this angry customer and then another one, but eventually, you can react in a way which would be detrimental to the company. Be careful, if you can’t keep yourself composed or feel as if you’ll say something you shouldn’t, excuse yourself and get another person to help them. You can’t take back angry words and it’s better not to reach this point at all.


How to Stay Calm in the Eye of the Storm

There are some techniques which can be used to help you stay calm, patient and focused. You can de-personalize the situation by realizing the customer isn’t angry at you. Look at it from the customer’s point of view. Perhaps he or she feels wronged because his or her expectations weren’t met. Perhaps he or she dealt with a similar problem in the past and it was never fully resolved so the customer is armed and ready to do battle this time. Or the customer could just be in a bad mood that has nothing to do with you or the store, but is focused on maybe a sick spouse or a bad day. And now you’re on the receiving end. If you lower your voice and keep a pleasant even tone, most of the time the customer will then lower his. When you speak calmly and low, the customer will have to quiet down in order to hear you. Let the customer know you sympathize with him but you can’t help him until things calm down. If the customer starts to get rude and insult you, be the better person and maintain your integrity.  Emphasize with what your customers feel and place yourself in their position. Be respectful and understanding while trying to help him solve the problem.


A Solution

It may take some time for the customer to calm down. By staying in control of the situation and not rushing the customer, that customer feel as if you care about the problem. When the time is right, give a genuine apology and help to find a solution which is beneficial to both the customer and the company. Make sure the problem is solved and the customer leaves satisfied. Remember, the customers behind this customer may be listening and judging on how you’re handling this problem in relation to how you are going to handle theirs.


Keeping your temper under control isn’t always as easy as it sounds. If you are stressed after dealing with an angry customer, take a 5 minute break, grab a quick walk, get something to drink, take a breather, refocus and then come back refreshed and ready to deal with the next complaint.


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